The POA Office would like to wish
Happy Holidays to all of the Heritage Lake Community.
Meetings and Office Hours
The Board of Directors Operations Meeting is Canceled for December due to the Holiday.
The next A&E meeting is January 16, 2025 due to the Holiday. All permit applications and fees must be turned in to the POA office by January 9, 2025 to be placed on the January 16th agenda.
The next Neighborhood Watch meeting is scheduled for April 16, 2025.
The POA Office is closed for the Holiday December 18th - January 3rd. Returning to the Office on January 6, 2025.
Upcoming Dates

New Years Eve Party hosted by April Land and Carrie Austin at the Clubhouse Lower Level. Doors open at 8:00 pm. Anyone 21 & older is welcome.
Nacho Bar, DJ, Specialty Shots, & BYOB
Bring a side dish to share and your dancing shoes. After party rides available.
Annual Meeting - All of the community is encouraged to attend on February 22, 2025. This meeting is held at the Clubhouse Lower Level at 1:30 pm.
The Annual Chili Cook-off is on February 8, 2025.
Contact the POA Office to sign up your chili.

2025 POA Information
2025 Assessments - With so many new residents, we would like to remind the community that assessments are due by April 1st of every year. Invoices are sent out the beginning of March. This is an extremely busy time for the office; we ask that you plan accordingly to make your payment. Payments can be mailed in, paid over the phone, brought to the office, or placed in the drop box located at the Clubhouse entrance.
As the new year starts be on the look out for campground, slip, and tie-up renewals to come in the mail. This information will be mailed to anyone with a spot in 2024 and in good standing with the POA. If you are interested in the campground, a slip, or a tie-up please reach out to the POA Office for more information. 765-386-7447. There is a waitlist for slips and tie-ups.
As always, we are here to help. If you have any questions please contact the POA Office.